Pokemon Mr Briney Theory

Everybody's played a Pokemon game. Pokemon Blue, Red, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald... It seems innocent enough, right? Some kid goes out to catch Pokemon and be the best Pokemon trainer ever. The "best there ever was" if you will. But what if I told you that Pokemon wasn't as innocent as you think? You remember in Pokemon Emerald, Sapphire and Ruby, where you meet the nice, old man, Mr Briney? Well, what you didn't know about that old man is that he has a terrible, awful secret.
You first meet Mr Briney outside Rustboro. A member of Team Aqua has kidnapped his beloved Pokemon; a Wingull called Peeko. He really loves that Pokemon. A bit too much, don't you think? Whenever you talk to him, most of the time he brings up his "darling" Peeko. Well... Old Man Mister Briney's secret is that Peeko is his unwilling, kidnapped sex slave. When you talk to Mister Briney after Peeko has been kidnapped, he lets out a terrifying roar. "Wwrrrrroooooooooarrrrrr Peeeko!" he says. That roar is actually the manifestation of his sexual frustration now that Team Aqua has taken Peeko away from him. You then go and save Peeko from Team Aqua... but maybe 'save' isn't the right word. By taking Peeko back you are handing her back over to Mister Briney, where she will continue to be used as a sex slave for the rest of her life. The Team Aqua grunt who you beat up was saving her from her torment.
Later on you meet Mister Briney again. He's chasing Peeko around the table in his home. What's actually happening here is that Peeko is once again trying to escape his lecherous clutches. When you talk to him, he refers to her as his "darling Peeko", which reinforces the theory that he does indeed hold an uncontrollable sexual desire towards the Pokemon. A couple of boat rides with Briney later and you walk away. You'll likely forget he and Peeko existed since you'll never really need to use his boat again... and as such, you've sealed Peeko's fate. She will forever be Mister Briney's unwilling sex slave.